• Accounts API


    This service contains information on bank accounts to which a logged in user has access. In the case of test users, random data is created when logging in for first time and continues to be used after that.

    The information is comparable to the data which users have access to via Arion Online Banking, Arion App and Arion Bank’s B2B solutions. The user can both view their current and savings accounts. The basic information for each account is displayed and transactions and balances can be viewed for each account.

  • Bank Info API

    Branch information

    Get a list of ATM's and branches of Arion banka hf.

  • Claims API


    This service contains information on claims that the logged in user has access to as the issuer of the claim. In the case of test users, random data is created when logging in for first time and continues to be used after that. The user also updates the data through their own actions and the data is retained between sessions.

    The information is comparable to the data which users have access to via Arion Online Banking and Arion Bank’s B2B solutions, and there for not available working with identifiers, claimants and other operations at the moment.

  • Creditcards API


    This service contains information on credit cards to which a logged in user has access. In the case of test users, random data is created when logging in for first time and continues to be used after that.

    The information is comparable to the data which users have access to via Arion Online Banking, Arion App and Arion Bank’s B2B solutions. You can find information on the different features of each card and view transactions for each period.

  • Currency Rates API

    CurrencyRates - CurrencyRates

    This service contains information on official exchange rates for different periods. The data should reflect the updated exchange rate displayed on Arion Bank’s website.

  • Management API


    Undir þessari þjónustu er að finna aðgerðir til að vinna með biðlara og notendaskráningu, fyrir Fintech sandkassann.

    Token fyrir RB API Fintech usera:

  • National Registry API


    Undir þessari þjónustu má fletta upp í þjóðskrá, ef innskráður notandi hefur aðgang að henni. Virknin er sambærileg við uppflettingar sem notendur hafa aðgang í gegnum netbanka Arion banka. Ákveðið þýði af kennitölum er til staðar sem nota má fyrir aðgang að prófunargögnum.

    Hér má skoða html lýsingu á samningnum í GitHub repo fyrir Fintech partý.

  • New Accounts API

    Stofnun Innlánsreikninga

    Undir þessari þjónustu er að finna aðgerð til að stofna reikning.